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EU / EN / DKK Globe icon
EU / EN / DKK Globe icon
We constantly focus on providing the highest quality for all types of tasks and offering the best service possible, which is why we are ISO certified. We set high standards for ourselves and our suppliers and with ISO certifications we ensure, that our policies on quality are specified and consistent with our goals.

ISO 9001 is approved for maintenance visits on 24.05.2024

In accordance with our quality policy, we must ensure and document that our quality is constantly improved and always at the highest possible level.

We are committed to providing value for money to all our customers, which is why we continuously conduct customer satisfaction surveys to identify customer needs and areas of improvement. Our close customer contact and longterm customer relationships have had a huge impact on our current business concept and success – and we will continue to work that way.

In other words, using us as a vendor, you are assured of a partner who proactively seeks improvement opportunities in order to increase our internal performance and thus the quality and experience of our customers.

We achieve quality by working according to our quality procedures and the requirements of the DS EN ISO 9001:2015 standard.
Link to:
ISO 9001 2015 certificate

ISO 45001 is approved for maintenance visits on 24.05.2024

We take our health and safety at work into account. We strive to maintain good hygiene and comply with all safety requirements.

We offer health insurance to all employees and there is free fruit. All employees have a written contract of employment under existing laws. Furthermore, the company provides employees with the necessary workwear and safety equipment. We have a working environment committee, that makes sure that the company follows all laws and regulations in this area.

We achieve a good working environment by working according to established procedures and the requirements of the DS EN ISO 45001:2018 standard.
Link to:
ISO 45001 certificate

ISO 14001 is approved for maintenance visits on 24.05.2024

We take environmental considerations into account in our activities and strive for continuous improvement, by minimizing any adverse effects of its activities on the environment.

We comply with all relevant local and national environmental laws and regulations, as well as all environmental licensing and permit requirements.
We strive to develop and implement environmental management systems, that include measurement and monitoring to:

  • Identify environmental aspects and their impacts.
  • Reduce waste, energy and emissions to air, ground and water.
  • Handle chemicals in an environmentally safe way.
  • Handle, store and dispose of hazardous waste in an environmentally safe manner.
  • Contribute to the recycling and reuse of materials and products and implement environmentally friendly technologies.

We minimize our environmental impact by working according to established procedures and the requirements of the DS EN ISO 14001:2015 standard.
Link to:
ISO 14001 certificate

Goal: To reduce our CO2 emissions by 10% over 5 years.


The environment:

  • Ensure clean environments through waste sorting
  • Save or use alternatives means of power, water and heat
  • Examine our current work pattern, packaging etc. by a professional, to gain insight into where we need to improve
  • Ensure that our suppliers protect the environment
  • Improve our environmental performance through ISO 14001:2015

Our employees:

  • Ensure that they have the knowledge and skills they need in their position
  • Be AWARE of their well-being, by meeting each other and others with respect
  • Be AWARE of their health, by offering them health insurance, as well as health and well-being promoting activities
  • Be AWARE of hygiene and cleaning at work
  • Give our employees a safer and healthier workplace through ISO 45001:2018

Our quality:

  • Be able to deliver and organize the delivery to match the customer's needs
  • Report errors, then process them as soon as possible so they do not happen again and assess efficiency and improvement opportunities
  • Comply with applicable legislation and government requirements
  • Ensure a good dialogue between customers and employees, to maintain the good service - ISO 9001:2015