Corporate social responsibility
We provide support to our local community through
various sponsorships. We select which organizations/associations to sponsor based on their core activities, that should include culture, health or education. We also
take internal interests into account – we want to support
leisure activities of our employees and their children to
ensure that they stay healthy, energized, and motivated.
In alignment with our global outlook, we support international organizations or projects whose primary activities or end goal benefit the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set out by the UN.
Through our Code of Conduct we provide a written collection of rules, principles, values, and behavioral expectations with the purpose of explaining what conduct is expected of all employees, suppliers, and partners and the consequences of acting unethically. This is our way to reduce the likelihood, that they will undertake unethical actions and thereby protect the shareholders of our company.
Working in close cooperation with our suppliers, we ensure that social responsibility is a consideration at every stage of the process.
We especially focus on not using high-risk suppliers, who do not fully respect national legislation or internationally recognized principles on human rights, labor rights, the environment and fighting corruption.
We are proud to only be working with suppliers, who take their social responsibility very seriously
and continuously undertake initiatives to support
sustainable development.